
An initiative to increase biodiversity and the carbon sink

Written agreements and Implementation of measures



Initiative 1415

Third party verification

Forest certification for biodiversity

The credits are offered to the market

Biodiversity- & carbon credits

Written agreements and Implementation of measures



Initiative 1415

Third party verification

Forest certification for biodiversity

The credits are offered to the market

Biodiversity- & carbon credits

“Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse” is viewed as one of the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade.

Source: World Economic Forum - The Global Risk Report 2023

Pollinators – a continuous declining trend.

The loss of pollinators weakens ecosystems and thereby causes ecosystem services disturbances in our food supply.

European Commission – 2023 – a New Deal for wild pollinators. 

Measures based on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s and Department of Agriculture’s recommendations, and always in dialogue with the County Administrative Board.

Projects to preserve and enhance the habitats of wild pollinators in the agricultural landscape.


Existing high natural values ​​are preserved and enhanced.
Contractual period of 5 years with the landowner.

Project Nature Restoration

A project that preserves and enhances biodiversity. 

Four areas with adapted measures for each area are included in the project.

Measures based on guidelines and recommendations established by the Swedish EPA, Forestry Agency and County Administrative Board.

 Measures included in the project are as follows:

1. Specific measures for our most endangered species

2. Conservation burning

3. Restoration of key biotopes and rich-bogs

4. Fighting invasive species

Project Nature Restoration Plan (PNP)

Large projects with a different approach to increase biodiversity. 

Areas between 10-500 hectares where the County Administrative Board develops the plan for selecting which type of biodiversity is intended to be preserved and enhanced. 

A County Administrative Board program forms the basis of selection of measures for implementation and for how the area is to be managed.

Agreement with the landowner for implementation of measures.

Why do we need biodiversity?

Biodiversity is about ecosystems and ecosystem services. Through functioning ecosystem services, nature provides us with food and water. Although these ecosystem services form the foundation of our well-being, they are often invisible when we make societal decisions. We take these services for granted and rarely think about the fact that plants purify the air and bees pollinate crops.

The projects mean that you as a company contribute to an effort to hand over a society to future generations whereby the major environmental problems we face have been solved.

The Generational goal

Carbon storage with increased biodiversity Nature based – Hybrid credit

Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF)

EU Commission – A nature based carbon credit shall significantly contribute to increased biodiversity in order to be recognised under the CRCF.

CRCF forms the strongest certification framework globally due to its underlying legislation. 

Measures for biodiversity based on Annex VII of the Nature Restoration Law as well as Forestry Agency recommendations. 

Carbon sequestration within active forestry with enhanced  biodiversity and climate adaptation. Improved Forest Management  (IFM) 20 years – 375 sek per ton.

Carbon sequestration through afforestation including increased biodiversity and climate adaptation (Afforestation)

Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF)

EU Commission – A nature based carbon credit shall significantly contribute to increased biodiversity in order to be recognised under CRCF.

CRCF is the strongest certification framework globally due to its underlying legislation. 

200 sek per ton

”Formue take six steps to 
enhance biodiversity.”

”Through helping the wild pollinators we are also helping ourselves.”


By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.

Communicate: Planting trees contributes to SDG 15.2  
Substantially increase afforestation

Communicate: Implementing measures to preserve and enhance habitat for wild pollinators

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